and in the realm of "well I didn't see that coming" this guy I haven't seen since I was in Jr High is going to Thanksgiving dinner with me tomorrow.

His mom is really good friends with my mom. anyway he doesn't get to go home so, he's coming with me. his mother offically put his life in my hands. and yea she does actually know me pretty well, and I in no way have to resources to fool this woman so shelve what you're thinking...... you see she *gasp* trusts me. well compared to her kids I'm responsible.

Did I mention her son got hot as he got older? not that I'm thinking that... I've just heard from my friends who have seen his picture that my mom has, that he would indeed be classified as hot. me? I have no feelings about this either way. no sir, not me.

I'm thinking tonight will be yet another hot date with my notebook, sad as it is to say it might be more gratifying than going out with mumbles. well ok mentally gratifying at his defense..... in the other department he has the notebook beat hands down, but I'm sure that was more information than was required.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-21 / 7:11
I am holding a life in my hands.... look it's kinda squishy