I'm in agony. Agony, I tell you! my back is in some serious pain. I hurt it a long time ago and now if I sleep in the wrong position its bad back for the pie. Not to mention I somehow tweaked my neck the night before and can only turn it so far to the right before it hurts like a bitch. I love getting older. Though I think 26 is a bit young to be having these kinds of aches and pains.... I was shooting for 50 for when my body falls apart. If I keep this up I'll be able to predict when it will rain before I'm 30.

On other not so painful notes, saw my mom yesterday. I love the mom. She's making me a sock monkey. Yes, a real sock monkey. Made from socks with the red heel. She said she wished should could have found some bunny ears for him so he could go into my Easter basket. And let me tell you, before a sock monkey has an arms, ears, or mouth he just looks like a giant penis with legs. But my sock monkey has ears, and arms, and a mouth and eyes...well, he will have eyes. My mom is even sewing on eyelashes..... so he no longer looks anything like a penis. Thank goodness.

Talked to HWLT last night, I owe him for his birthday that I sorta forgot but didn't really forget.

and then randomer than random, JB called me last night. We were supposed to go have coffee a couple of weeks ago and never did. And he was worried (I guess) that I had some important I wanted to talk to him about..... which I really didn't, I just wondered how he was doing. He sounds like he's doing better, he said the studio is doing pretty well and he and his band are going on a tour to far flung places such as NY and that place with really good pasta. I'm happy for him and I'm really glad he's doing better. I'm going to try to hang out with him sometimes this week, who knows when..... I think he and I might actually be able to pull of being friends. But I won't get too ahead of myself.

When things are too easy, we question it. When things are pretty damn tough we not only question it and we complain about it. Just another no win situation brought to you by the human race.

Alright, I have a kitchen to clean and dishes to do, no time to sit here and ponder over the non-complexities of my life.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-04-06 / 11:48
Sock Monkey Madness!