This week has been a little crazy. I think it finally all came to light how burnt out we are when the muzack started playing the theme from (I'm guessing it's the theme) from Caddyshack and my boss and I just looked at each other and lost it. Without saying a word she and I both started laughing so hard we were snorting.

It's been one of those weeks where you look back and go.... "what the fuck happened?" I should have known what kind of week it was when I got a call that someone needed a manager to take a customer complaint. I walk over and the woman looks like she's in a fairly good mood. Mid to late 40's, smiling, pleasant looking. I smile introduce myself and ask her what I can do to help her. She launches into a story about how she doesn't like shopping in our store but she had to buy her daughter an Easter dress, and now she wasn't going to. Now, there isn't a worse way to start a conversation with me, if you don't want to shop in the store where I work, fine. I don't really care but don't pull me away from what I'm doing so you can tell me you don't want to shop here. Just go shop somewhere else and let me deal with my own thing. But back to the lady, she launches into how our posters advertising merchandise above our panty tables are soft core pornography. (Note: bathing suits for the most part show more than our posters, but whatever, I'm just glad she didn't see the hanger cover to the larger women size thongs... there is a rearview shot of big old booty, both cheeks a shining) She goes on to say that she would never ever bring her son into our store shopping with her because of the images and that we're selling thongs. and "Who do you think you are Fredrick's of Hollywood?"

At that moment my mind goes to her poor seqestered children. You have to figure, home schooled, no television, no radio, no outside influence from the big evil corrupt world filled with soft core pornography. When these children get older..... STD's, unwanted pregnancies, drug abuse and general debachery, this is the future I see for these sheltered children, and it will be all their sexually repressed mother's fault! In therapy it'll be all pointing fingers "I blame you that I'm a drug addicted nympho, Mom!" How did this woman ever have children anyhow? She and her husband had all the lights off with a sheet positioned between them.... "Ok, stick it in but don't touch me anywhere else or even look at me."

People are nuts.

Unfortunately as a human that lumps me in the nuts catagory too.

So I was going to consult my crystal ball about my future, alright the closest thing I've got would be a magic 8-ball, so I consulted it about my future. "Will I be working my ass off with very days off?" Magic 8-ball smirked "Yes."

It's cool my boss and I are going in on Sunday, when the store is closed, and working. And then we're ordering Outback for dinner.

Wednesday I'm planning an opening to closing shift.

No, I'm not dedicated. I just like overtime on my checks.

Late breaking news, just stole this from Mr. B&B. Creepy, I typed in freak and it ran at me. I don't think I like it much.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-04-09 / 9:07
a little ass cheek is all we're showin