Well good morning.

I had a load of strange dreams this morning, including one where I had been sucked into a vampire movie. I knew everything that was gonna happen I just had to remember how the movie went so I could get out alive. yea... no more crack before bedtime I know, I know. I really could have described that dream more clearly so it would make much more sense what I was talking about but honestly it's not worth the effort.

I started putting together an interesting puzzle last night. a piece here and a piece here, but I'm not sure if I'm seeing the picture right. well I could be seeing the picture right but the picture could be a complete work of fiction. That has been known to happen more often than not.

That whole paragraph is about as clear as mud, but I'm sorry I can't do any better than that right now. I don't want to be covered in scoffs and mocking. buried in an avalanche of "Did you say that? Do you believe in that?"

Something is coming my way and it seems like sooner than later. I'll be forced to take some action nake some steps, either run or shuffle my feet slowly towards the rest of the life instead of letting myself sit in limbo like I have been for these first almost 24 years. but the signs look good. Happy and clear, and I can stand behind that.

I'm filling up my notebook. slowly but surely. I feel like it's good, but it might not be. more that likely it's probably something only someone who knows me will enjoy, but that's ok because it's something. something i can hold in my hand something I did. Hopefully something I'll finish. this gal is bad with that finishing thing. just not a concept she fully grasps just yet

Now about that boy. he cracks me up. he can not stay away it would seem. for someone who swears he doesn't want a relationship he sure is chasing me hard. he called on Thursday. and then he called yesterday when I wasn't here. and every other statement has been about when am I going to see him again.

the funniest bit of it all. no panic here. maybe it's because I'm not thinking of a future. he and I probably aren't going anywhere and it's ok just to enjoy each others company for awhile. Do I think he is in the same mind set as myself? Oh hell no. the boy doesn't know how to live alone. he is currently teaching himself to do laundry because he's never had to. I also have a feelings it's not so much about him liking me as much as he just can't stand to be on his own. but it's alright. my feet are planted firmly on the ground, my head firmly attached to my shoulders for once.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. as I've gotten older I think I enjoy the holidays less and less. every year I dread going. If I could just hang out with my mom it would be way cool. but my mom isn't coming to Thanksgiving this year, so I'm going to Diana's instead. this should be odd Diana, Nancy and I have the run of D's place. I've never done Thanksgiving without my family, and knowing Diana we won't be having turkey. I hate turkey.

Well I have to go dig out the recipe book. the boy wants me to make dinner on Sunday since he did it last time. this should be interesting.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-17 / 9:43
You can either run or just shuffle your feet but there is no standing still