I have a confession to make.

I am a messy person. like really messy.

Sara and Julie are well aware of this fact. they stayed with me when I lived in LA.... in the scuz pit apartment from hell. not that all of that was my fault because it was not.

You see, I'm messy. kooky roomate gal was dirty.

it's one thing to have clothes on your floor and papers. but if it's in anyway food like it has to go to the trash.

I'm not realy big on the leaving of the empty glasses around either even if they only have water in them.

hence the difference between messy and dirty. I have often been borderline dirty but I have never had mold grow in my bedroom so I can not be offically dirty.

to get to the point of all this, if I can remember what it was, I'm trying to clean my room. do you have any idea how hard this is?

I have more clothes than any sane person needs and they are all dirty! how did that happen? I do laundry. I do laundry all the time how is it that all of my clothes are dirty? do the gnomes come and wear them while I'm at work? do their little gnome dances until they are all sweaty and gross in my clothes?

so yea, I worked on my room for a whole stinking hours today and ti was all I can take. the stupid washing machine broke on me today so there will be no laundry doing either. I promised myself I would get this crap done on my vacation time. yet another promise I can't keep to myself.

I think I'm pretty good at keeping promises to other people, and yet tomyself, eh, not so good.

I think I'm going out with the boy on Sunday and I, for some god awful reason, decided I would go into work on Monday even though I'm on my "vacation". I'm only going in for four hours and then I'm going home. I swear.

So I'm pretty dang curious about what the boy will come up with for Sunday. cause he's sorta set himself up to be in a tight spot.... bonfire first date, made me dinner second date and there was that whole candlelight thing at the table.... if he just rents a movie or something I admit I'll be dissapointed. so we shall see.

Also Jennifer, dying of curiosity on this big secrety surprise thang!


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-16 / 2:43
dirty girl vs a messy girl