this will be short because I'm sort of watching the Kings game in the other room.

I look like someone has been beating me..... I have a bruise the size a golf ball on my leg from where I ran into something at work and oh it hurts like a mother. not to mention the numerous bruises and scrapes on my knees and shins. someday when I grow up I won't be so accident prone. I hope.

work still sucks. all of the CSS's have to participate in this contect thing which I put off preparing for until the last minute because I had better things to do.... like my job. *sigh* so I'm trying to be all cool about it. "I don't care this is stupid" and it is stupid but I do care and I want to win since we have to do it even though I know I won't win. I don't kiss nearly enough ass for that. even though I know my shit better than anyone else in that place. *sigh* I'm off for the next 3 days so I'll try not to dwell on work. I just feel like I'm being run into the ground. but I'm sure everyone feels like that and I should just stop whining.

so there. I'm stopping whining. for this entry at least.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-10-04 / 8:11
a little cheese please