sometimes I am truely catty. today is one of those times. so bring a my a bowl of milk I'm about to go to town.

so out of curiosity (again kitty nature) I peeked at something I promised myself I wouldn't. and I didn't peek so I could soread it around or use it to get back at this person. unlike when they tried to find Sara's and tried to find mine I was just curious.

I only read one thing and wasn't all that interesting except in the fact that I now see why certain people are afraid and jealous of Sara and I.

*caution ego moment ahead, though every word of it is true* no matter what happens, no matter how they try Sara and I will always do it first or do it better. doesn't matter what it is. and I guess when you're her it's something you try to sabatoge. I guess she doesn't understand that she is nothing scary. I'm not afraid of her and neither is Sara so she should quit wasting her time because all of her little scemes just make us angry not scared. besides she nevere gets off the couch long enough to really do any harm.

Jen told me she saw her on the LA news after the Buffy prem. I can't imagine how she looked because they say tha camera adds ten pounds.... well I guess when you're as big as she is ten pounds doesn't make much of a difference. like a drop of water in a swimming pool. I warned you it was a catty day, so stop looking at me like that

So much for all that goodwill I was feeling the other day. and it's not really that I hate her, yea she pisses me off but I don't hate her. mostly I just feel sorry for her because she has no idea what a pathetic loser with no life, no future, and no waistline. no wonder she's jealous.

maybe if she got out mnore, excersised a little, quit eating all the junk she eats she would lose some weight and look better. and then maybe because she looked better and felt better health wise she would be such a wanna be bitch. she doesn't have the balls to be an actual bitch

then again weight loss doesn't cure patholgical lying does it? I would say I'd wish she'd leave the state of California but she never leaves her house so why bother.

anyway pardon my self indulgent catty musings, they are here to amuse me and ony me.... ok and maybe Sara.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-10-05 / 7:28