I'm conducting an experiment so for the rest of this entry you shall address me as Science Gal when you have questions.

so here's my experiment... go on dates see if indeed you can really judge a book by it's cover, have fun, have an adventure... see what's out there. study boys in the un-natural habitat of dateland.....

I had my first case study last night. fun was had. there were drinks and kermits and scene straight out of what a half naked GAP ad would look like. but there was no tsunami, figuratively and literally. really cool guy guy and more fun could be had but I'm thinking not on a romantic level. he was pretty smart, and boys should take note, crafty place to take a girl if you have the guts....a gay dance club. none of the guys there are going to try to be stealing her away when you go to the bathroom and and you have an excuse to hold her hand cause well you don't want the boys there to think you're gay..... very sharp indeed.

ok very sleepy, this research requires hours I'm not accustom to..... and now Science Gal naps.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-24 / 6:06 p.m.
Science Gal