I read a quote by someone that was something along the lines of if there was anything in their life they would change they would have been someone else.

I feel that somedays but then I really start to think about those vapid empty headed peers of mine out there to just party all the time and I change my mind.

Not that I don't love a good party. I can never seem to find my place. It's odd how even when you get older things still sort of fall into the high school cliches. There are the cool people, those trendy 20 somethings making gads of money and spending it all in the downtown bars. I am most definately not one of those people.

but I'm not really on the other end of the spectrum... I'm somewhere in the middle and I don't fit in either side. and here I thought I had washed my hands of this bullshit 8 years ago.

it's funny when I have a lot of things on my mind I chose to think about the things that aren't so important and obsess over them instead of thinking about the real things that should be bothering me.

I'm sure there is some psych 101 term for that.

too many things going on this weekend and I'm not sure how I'm gonna manage everything considering how completely unorganized I am.

wedding gift to shop for, directions to find, bags to pack... and hopefully be able to plan a little snuggle therapy before I leave for this weekend.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-24 / 3:18