I have a pattern. I have certain diaries I read and I read them in a certian order. Not all of them are on my favorites list either, but that is neither here nor there.

first I read the girls in no particular order. if I'm talking to one of them at that very minute I'll probbaly read them first so I know what's up....

and yes you can have too many pussycat cardigans... one is really too many... well unless it was black and a regualar length.

anyway back to my reading habits..... to cut to the chase I always save the same one for last. I don't know why. I think they put things better than I do, use words in ways I couldn't imagine. Alot of times when I'm done reading it makes me feel weird... I alternate beween liking this person and disliking them. And yet I always go back and read what they have to say..... I wouldn't say it's my favorite or anything. It's just got my attention for some reason. It also makes me feel like a blithering idiot. Like I'm somehow not cool enough. and as annoying as that is, I'm still interested in what this person has to say. I'm used to be not cool enough.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-30 / 9:28 a.m.
cool kids