As if things could not get more confusing, well we know how this goes... it always does. Though perhaps in this case confusing is not the word. I am hesitant to say worse because things are not all that bad just... irritating.

After making our way through traffic last night (lots of accidents... D blamed that on there being no moon also, along with me seeing a ton of people I knew in a former life.... a girl from high school a girl who works for me a friend of a guy I dated a couple of times and a guy that hit on me in a bar once)

I finally fell asleep about 1am only to be awakened by my roomate at 3am yelling at the top of her lungs because I was blocking the driveway. Took me another hour to get back to sleep and I was unhappy. Had to be up at the butt crack of dawn this morning for work, and trying to function on 4 hours of sleep is not one of my greater talents.

Not only did I have someone chew me out for doing my job (yea, I'll br writing her up on Monday when her direct boss is back) multiple complaints taken about other people that I had to deal with but I also managed to burn a scammer and save us about 283 bucks...... Managed to make it home to argue myself into a few more dollars by pointing out to the bak that they are idiots. Plus I scored myself a pretty leather jacket for a steal of price..... I had been visiting it on it's rack often and the price was finally right.

I still haven't slept. Fighting with the bank made that impossible because I came out of it totally keyed up

Today I'll call a draw. The good and the bad balanced out to hectic and interesting. Which I think could be better than slow and boring.

at some point I will sleep. I think


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-27 / 7:50
more lack of moon madness