Ah Joe Breadwinner and I rented Sliding Doors last night. I had forgotten how good that movie really was.

Wouldn't that be odd having another you off somewhere living a seperate life because of one small change such as catching a train or missing a train.

I wonder if the other me would have met JB, or would she still be talking to my dad, or stayed in LA....

I'm glad how things worked out.

Super glad. So it's silly to play the what if game.

In other news I have taken a huge step. I have a drawer at JB's house. With a toothbrush that gets left there. It seemed silly to be lugging my bag back and forth every couple of nights and I could never find my toothbrush at home because it would be in my overnight bag. It feels odd though, to have that kind of permenance..... things are my things and they live here, but I live somewhere else. I'm liking living somewhere else though it make me appreciate him more. Odd thing to say but it''s true.

There is a point kinda far up the road where we set a "If we're still together...." about moving in together.

This is the real deal. No if ands or buts about it. I thought it once or twice in the past, but was never dead certain.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-30 / 11:27