I couldn't find the moon tonight. D says that's why everything was so screwed up tonight..... moonless night.

My sister called me. My half sister that is. We haven't talked in 2 years. She called my mom and my mom gave her my number, and then of course called me.

I guess she just missed me. She said she kept seeing people who looked like me.

I had this moment where I was sick to my stomach thinking something happened. But nothing had happened. She just missed me.

We're going to keep in touch. I don't know what this is gonna do to my fragile sense of balance. I had finally calmed my emotions about my dad down a bit to where I didn't just completely lose it when the subject would come up.

I don't know if I can make her understand it all. How he makes me feel. How her mom makes me feel. She said I should talk to him but I have nothing to say and she really doesn't understand. But maybe she will.

It was good to hear from her.

Fathers, be good to your daughters.

They will love like you do.

Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers

So mothers be good to your daughters too


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-26 / 11:53
moonless night