Isn't PMS a strange thing......

I don't understand it.

I spent the the day alternating between wanting to kill someone... anyone would do, making people want to kill me, and thinking curling up in a ball and never moving again would be a valid life choice.

thank god this does not happen to me often. if I went thorough the hormonal freak roller coaster every month that I've been on for the past 48 hours, I'd probabaly be in prison.

I wonder if it could all be considered temporary insanity or something.

I need to find some pants that make me not look fat so I can go gorge myself on Italian food. I also have to hope that these sheet creases will fade from my face because falling asleep face down is not the most attractive thing you can do for yourself.

I have an "I don't know what to call it" tonight with a boy who seems to like me but I'm not sure what the whole thing is. he's going away in September to intern for congress so it's not really going to go anywhere anyway. did I mention he's young and flakey? yea I know.

next week I start my 4 day work week schedule, maybe things will look better once I'm not stressed out from work. Maybe. maybe things will look better when I don't have curl up and die, blindingly painful cramps too...... I'm thinking a whole lot of things will look better then.

and in the middle of my horrifically low self esteem day yesterday I got an almost unsolictited compliment from a surprising source. you never know who is actually paying attention when you thought they weren't.

off to eat with a future congressmen, or at least a future congress intern.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-10 / 6:06 p.m.
and ina hormonal rage of self loathing....