crap crap and triple crap...... crappy day. not enough to really bring me down just enough to make me feel REALLY lazy. I'm never ever allowed to have three days off again only for the sheer fact that NOTHING got done while I was gone... well nothing got done right which is even worse because then not only do I have to do, but I also have to undo..... suck.

got some nice email for invisible don (though I think we're on different pages of different books..... but I can't even stretch my brain to think about it today.... tomorrow perhaps) and some from my friend Diana, looks like she and I will either be taking a trip to LA or to Tijuana some time next week .... and a weird one from my mom, it had a picture from the cinco de mayo party attactched to it and all it said was "why so sad?" but I'm not in the picture matter of fact you can barely tell who is in the picture because it's so far away.... I'm thinking she sent the wrong picture.

cute/weird/new/married guy at work... lets just tag asshole onto that list of things he is. it is my goal in life to make him quit being such a pain in the ass.

I need a haircut. but I'm avoiding it because well I'm not sure if I want to grow it out or not and until I know that I can't get it cut..... even if I'm gonna grow it out I still need to get a trim, but I can't put it off a month until Sara gets here because it'll just be out of control by then.

Yea Julie on the date news and the work news....... I wish I had that kind of good news to give but alas I don't.

I hope Becky had a fab time in Las Vegas.....

I'm itchy, and it's hot..... and my calves hurt.... and I think I'm tired.....or just lazy which is very similar to tired in my book.

why oh why do I not know any party people? rephrase.... why oh why do I not know any party people who live close to me and would want to get their boogie on so I could oogle boys without looking like a loner/loser?

note to self: must request time off for when Sara comes to play two happy dogs in one entry what is the world coming to? I need to find a sad dog, but I'm afraid he'd be popping up all the time.

also must take lots of pictures when Sara is here and have them burned onto a CD to share cause I hate all the pictures I have of me

*sing songy voice*invisibledon has an intern...... invisibledon has an intern

ok my stomach is upset and this entry had taken way too long to get finished with. so done. notice the economy of phrasing.

ok I lied... not done... found this today.... or maybe not today... anyway I found it at one point and went hey this guy lives in my "town"..... he's really funny. he would hate my guts and think I am lame and self involved but I still think he's funny.....


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-19 / 6:14 p.m.