I wish I had a camera right about now because I look hot. this is really much more effort than any boy deserves but whatever I have time on my hands. I'm even bustin out the naked shirt tonight. he so doesn't deserve the naked shirt but I haven't worn it in awhile and why shouldn't he feel good that he's out with a hot chick other guys are checking out. note: if you haven't noticed... having a good self esteem day.

he left it up to me where we're going. I have no idea. I'll just think of something on the way. I'm actually not very hungry after I ate crab salad 3 or 4 hours ago. thinking about it now it was called krab salad at the store... must be because it's not really crab..... imitation crab which I have come to find I actually like better than the real thing. real crab has a nasty texture to it I can't deal with..... did I just waste a paragraph on imitation crab? shit I did, didn't I? to recap I'm hot and I like imitation crab.

washed th car today for the first time ever. it's all sparkly. and it's finally been named, which I should have thought of this long ago.... Emily. since I have that Emily sticker on the back Sara bought for me.

the date hour is fast approaching still no clue where we're going. bastard, making me choose. that and my pants are still in the dryer. hopefully said pants still fit or I am screwed. they've never been in the dryer before....... but I had no choice I needed them, and they were dirty. (anything dark denim gets hung dry to preserve color) but if they've shrunk then I have to replan and pick out something else entirely to wear.

I just re-read that was so not me....... I think I was possessed by a soroity girl there. it's the make-up and the hair spray, it's rotting my brain. I can feel it. is this the price of dating often? you become a blathering brainless idiot that actually thinks how she launders her pants is an interesting topic? help I'm trapped in a bimbo and I can't get out.

note to self: do not rub eyes even if they itch.... mascara will run and you'll look like you're related to a racoon.

You know if I really was Science Gal I would be recording these dates with photographic evidence. me as I go out, a picture of the boy maybe....... eh. oh well. never was one much for true science. I should say that this is second date territory a notoriously iffy time for me. this is where it all crashes and burns..... everytime. this is the date they never call back after. we shall see. luckily my skin is getting a little thicker so those calls not coming are less and less bothersome.

speaking of calls not coming Mr. Couric, coffee boy, didn't call. hmmmmmmm. I'm not worried.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-30 / 6:45 p.m.
hot shit and Crab with a K