so I'm feeling mildly neglected. but we won't talk about that because it's silly. just me being insecure and lame.

this new schedule at work is ruining my wacky chat time with my pals. I just can't stay up late enough and I'm never home I feel like. for awhile it was because I was spending so much time with Ryan but now it's just that I'm not home. I don't know where I've been but it just hasn't been home.

tomorrow I get the haircut I've been putting off. though I'm not sure if I should do what I did last time which was close my eyes and tell the hairdresser "do whatever you want" and hope it's a good surprise when she's done. but I've also been thinking maybe I should let it grow out which would mean just a little trim to take out some of the ugly.

looks like Ryan and I won't be seeing each other all week, schedules are just not matching up *sigh*. when I'm off he's busy, and when he's free I'm working. ain't that always the way?

the relatives go home on Tuesday and my home life will return to normal. WHOOO and HOOOO.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-30 / 7:04
life as I know it