Well I seemed to have taken a small tour of SD last night. First to D's to do the costume show off..... I was proud, I looked hot.
Then to the party. Then to the bar.... then to a dance club that, well, I guess I have no desire to relive my psuedo goth days. Though I have to say the costumes were pretty awesome..... strangely enough there were a lot of clowns.... which are creepy.... creepier than goth kids, actually.
So then it was off to another place. I apologize for my vaugeness but who knows who might start following me around *snicker* ok perhaps not.
I had questionable company for a questionable evening which is fitting...... I would think that I would be confused but I'm really not. If that makes any sense at all.

I think I'm good.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-10-31 / 1:30
it was good....... oh oh