something I've been meaning to mention off and on for days now. This has happened a couple of times on my way home lately.... there is a spot on the freeway where I crest this hill and I'm not sure what's up but when it's been really hot during the day and then it has cooled down we have these awesome cloud formations that literally pour over the side of the mountian. It's like a life sized science project volcano....where the smoke runs down the side of that goofy papermache volcano you made for 8th grade life sciences. anyway it looks cool and makes you go "oooohhhhh" when you're driving.I'm sure it has to do with the all the moisture being evaporated during the day getting trapped on one side of the mountain by air currents and what not, and then when it cools off the clouds are being sucked over the mountain due to a high pressure system being on one side and a low pressure system on the other...... I don't really know I'm making that up, mostly I just go "oooohhhhh" I took a weather systems class a few years ago and I used ot be able to calculate dew point but I've pretty much forgotten everything I learned... with the exception of there was a hot guy named Bill in the class and he and I thought we were very smart saying things like "Those are some mighty closley spaced isobars we're having here." (translation= "it's really windy.") as mentioned before.... queen of the dorks.

somehow weather jokes... not sexy. and alas Bill never asked me out. Though he might have been gay, not entirely sure. He did know who N Sync was well enough to recognize them in a resturant and have his picture taken with them.... yup I'm thinkin gay but who knows......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-31 / 10:51 p.m.
hot weather chick