I did something I never do today. I called in sick. This is the first time I have called in sick since I left my old job. so since March.

and I do feel crappy. crappy enough that I couldn't possibly work. well no.

but I went back to bed. I slept and it felt so dang good.

this is one of those days where I wish it were raining so I drink hot coccoa and I had a cute boy to rub my feet.

*sigh* Yea I'll keep hoping. mind you no boy in his right mind would look twice at me at this moment. the hair is at an all time bad 'do state. and I'm wearing the ugliest rattiest pjs..... ah yes life is good. the only suck part is my stomach is upset, but I'm also hungry but I can't decide what wins out. do I eat and feel worse or not eat die of hunger pains. oh the problems I face.

hmmmm back to bed? why yes I think so.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-02 / 11:19
playing hooky, only not playing entirely