what a fucking insane couple of days... I started my new job and I'm really not sure how it's going.... we had a fist fight on my first day, and no I was not involved thank you very much. I just keep telling myself it's good experience.... experience for working in an insane asylum, but that's experience right?

doncha ya hate it when your curiosity gets the better of you? minor slip and it was a pretty boring slip so I doubt there shall be another.

So I met Joe Breadwinner's dad and *ahem* step mom tonight. Nice people. Joe's dad was trying to "sell" him to me which is pretty silly because I've been sold since about day two.... day one I was interested but not sold. Funny since he wasn't sold on me until a week or so later but at this point I suppose it doesn't matter because we're both so sold we're in debt..... it's like that cheesy line from As Good As It Gets..... all about someone making you want to be a better person. There has been crazy amounts of tension all around us but we seem to be holding up and not getting tense with each other. Good job us.... Joe Breadwinner and Suzy Homemaker, I suppose you would have to know us to get the joke. Not that I want the focus of my journal to bbecome my boyfriend but he's become a kind of all consuming object.... not like an obsession we're just together 6 days out of 7 for the most part so pretty much every non work related story has something to do with him. His band is playing on thursday at a local bar and I'll get to see his rockstar vibe in action which will be very cool. unless there are groupie gals.... and then there will be ass kicking.

The Loud one and the mellow one got in a brawl on the sidewalk this weekend so maybe I can take some tips from them....

and on a totally random note....

You are Sandra Gibbs!!

Which Completely Random Person Are You!!
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1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-08-11 / 10:12
kick some groupie ass