ok work is sucking me dry. I can say this froma safe perspectiive of being off on my second day in a row. It doesn't feel like it at the time, because you're so busy. But when you finally stop and sit for a moment you figure out just how tired you are.

went out Friday night with Mellow One... what a fucking disaster. all I wanted was to have a drink hang for a bit and go home.... oh no. She didn't want to leave I'm practically nodding off at the table and she will not get the hint that I'm making the "fouchie" face at her and I need to go home. and then Joe Breadwinner had a mild confrontation over the phone about pretty much nothing at all. Only he didn't really know we were having a confrontation..... poor thing..... when your girl says "whatever, that's fine." and starts answering with 2 word sentances.... it is not fine, it is baaaaaddddd, kiss up immediately if you want to get laid some time in the near future. He quickly figured out that I was irritated and made amends... (go him)


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-08-17 / 12:24
"Fouchie" face