wow here's a howdy what the fuck for you......

so I broke my fast from dating. big mistake. it went horribly. every time I turn around I'm confronted with the fact that I have very strong feelings about that guy. I won't say I'm in love with him because I don't really know but the feelings are strong. I almost lost it yesterday, almost burst into tears. managed to not, thank god.

the boys invited me out and it was very cool. Loys of fun. Saw some people I hadn't in awhile. and there was a very surprising event. Someone actually extended me an olive branch or truce. I was very very impressed.

I had a very good night.

today, well it wasn't as good. dwelling on things I can't fix. things that will never be.

unsure of hat to do, but I'll figure it out eventually


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-06-12 / 10:43