I have a raging headache and obviously an unknown need to prove myself wrong. Just yesterday I was spouting off about how really wonderful things were with Joe Breadwinner. Things are not so rosy and glowing today. They are right down gloomy. Funny how quickly the tides can turn. I'm sure everything will turn out fine, but I'm just really upset.

I really tried to not get upset, tried not to be hurt.... didn't really work so well. just ended up a crying ball of tension. *sigh*

I've never been very good at the relationship thing and maybe I'm trying too hard to not screw things up but I can't seem to keep things going smoothly.

a lot of damn work this whole thing.

we don't fight or even argue often. hell today wasn't even really an arguement because not a whole lot was said. but when we do..... I hate it. I really hate it. It just always feels like it becomes all my fault, that I should somehow have no reason to be upset. But I am upset so something must have happened. I don't just pluck feelings out of the air. *sigh* I just don't want to fight. I don't want to be upset and hurt either.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-04 / 4:33
I spoke too soon