so uh it would seem I have a date this weekend. and I didn't even have to ask this guy out. he asked me. he must be high or insane maybe both. hmmmm.

I may also have a date with Jason this weekend but I haven't heard back from him if he's free.

and for the kid in the back that can't count.... that would be 2 dates in 1 weekend.

I don't think I've ever had two dates in one weekend before, I'm also surprisingly unexcited. when did I get so popular? yesterday I whine about being alone and whammo a date possibly two. no this does not mean whine more often because it never works this way, that I whine and then I get what I want.

so dateness..... yea. I think I just made hugh mistake in saying I would go out with this guy. I know I know you can't win with me I bitch about being alone and then I bitch about having a date.... see when I was bitching about being alone I was bitching about not having Jason. And well Jason isn't camping in my tent yet, and no I don't mean that in a sexual way you dirty pervies........

there is so much I just don't get and there is no one to explain it to me.

I swear this will be my last update for today for I have gone update crazy because it's my day off and I like to talk. a lot.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-30 / 9:14 p.m.
2 for 1