Date one in the bag.

congressional intern boy.

it was nice.... he opens doors and what not for me.

I dressed up. I never dress up. well I do but not like this. I wore..... a dress. my neighbor actually gaped at me as I left. I guess it was a shock..... *shrug* I don't dress up.

anyhoo we had dinner which was nice... he complimented me many times.

we went to the beach. there was smooching. he's still not great but he's getting better much more relaxed this time around.

and then I commited the ultimate date sin... I fell asleep in the car, slept the whole way home. I feel bad. but I was tired. after this I'll be in bed and asleep in less than five minutes.

I got a glimpse of what my life could be tonight. here I was all dressed up preppy like.... in the car he was driving listening to some sappy top 40 music.... at home in bed before midnight. I don't know. where is the adventure? where is the insanity? I felt like half of a 30-something year old couple who dropped the kids off at the sitter for a night out. we should have been listening to Kenny G. this is what it felt like.

I know I wa slooking for stabilty and stuff but that's just a little too stable. He's sweet, he means well, we'll see.

Date 2 is on Friday... it's with Andy. there won't be much to say. there never is with him. I did talk to him on the phone today he had this smirk in his voice like he knew I had another date tonight and he thought it was funny.

must sleep soon.... losing all abilty to process coherant thought......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-15 / 11:45 p.m.
Bachelor number one