I felt too raw with that entry sitting on the top so I had to cover it up with something else. I know lame-o. I don't know when people read, if people read I don't want that to be ther first thing they find out about me. so I'll fill in a little funny, a little self depreciation, and then they can go pick at the open wound. (fuck I think I'm Chandler from friends)

it's very strange. I feel like I'm waiting for summer vacation like suddenly it'll be like grade school again. work will just say , "alright, we'll see you in Sept. have a nice summer vacation. here's a reading list." I wish. only I still want to get paid. paid to read books and lay out at the beach (something I don't really do cause well I'm so white I reflect sun off onto other people and I have a deep adversion to swim suits.... I wish I had Becky's confidence in that department.)

anyone know of a job matching that description? bueller? bueller?


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-08 / 10:06 p.m.
throw a little dirt on that grave