I'm fighting off getting sick. D and Vince brought me sandwhiches and soup yesterday. Bless their little hearts. Though D stoutly refused to bring me a coke and forced me to drink sprite instead.

I think I had a fever. I think it made me a little nutty. I was making train noises at He Who Loves Tortise on the phone last night. He told me I was delirious and I should go to bed "WOOOO WOOOOO" I don't know, making train noises is pretty fun.

I still haven't come up with a birthday plan beyond dinner and then going out. Haven't even come up with destinations. I suck at this sort of thing when it comes to myself.


see it's fun.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-11-21 / 6:58
chugga chugga choo choo