days off are good. I get nothing done but I get a lot of sleep.

I had many interesting conversations last night......

congressional intern boy and I talked about his lack of kissing skills.... he admitted I made him a little nervous. which is weird because I'm usually the one with the sweaty palms heart pounding stuff. then again this whole situation is kind of foriegn to me. it's weird he's cute he sweet, he pretty much leaves me unmoved though. no fireworks going off... I'm suppose to see him on Weds. so we'll see.

on the even stranger front Andy decided he wanted to talk to me...... that he wants me to call him today. he wants to see me. humph. don't know it's not like he really likes me. he wants to go out this week sometime....... ugh I don't know. he's so not what I'm looking for. matter of fact there isn't a boy in my life right now that is what I'm looking for. I like Andy quite a bit even if he is not the brightest bulb on the string and complete flake to boot. but I think he's only interested in getting in my pants so I think I shouldn't call him. I don't want to get wound up in him and then get dropped on my ass like I always do. he's not looking for anything and I'm looking for.... well maybe not a boyfriend but something way more substaintial than him......

I need a shower. I need to do laundry. I need to do alot of things.

I also need to stop having dreams that I'm pregnant and it's freak boy's kid. that was just beyond wrong.

it would seem someone isn't speaking to me either. we'll see.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-13 / 10:18 a.m.
the end of the boy spectrum......