I may possibly have the best boyfriend ever. Sure, sure, there was that guy that built the taj mahal for his chick but when she wasn't feeling well did he try to send her to work with one of his sweaters because the place is air conditioned? I think not.

I've just been thinking crazy stuff lately. but let's not jump the gun there, ok. It seems like we've been together forever when in actuality we've only been going out for three months. I tend to think that three months is way too soon to know about these things. At least not in any sort of informed manner.

we practically spend every waking moment together and make everyone sick being "cute" but I don't think that is a substitue for time and seeing how you really feel about someone.

We're going to go see my mom tomorrow which will be nice. I saw her in passing the other day but we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time together. It'll give Joe Breadwinner some time to get to know my mom since he's only met her once and that was at a party. How often do you meet a guy that offers to go visit your parents? I mean, really..... the best boyfriend ever.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-24 / 10:16
the best boyfriend ever