Stolen from Mr. B&B and D and... well, I need the sweetness and light of a Mr. B&B "Random Ass Quiz"

Slept in your bed � me and me, I'm sleeping alone these days.

Saw you cry � who hasn't seen me cry lately? But I think it was JB.

Made you cry � That whole break up saga.....

Spent the night at your house - JB

You shared a drink with -- D at my house

You went to the movies with - He who loves Tortise

You went to the mall with � I work in a mall, let's throw that one out

Yelled at you � I think my mom

Sent you an email � Andrew....

Have Your Ever...

Said "I love you" and meant it? I don't know if I ever said it out loud when I should have. But I've thought it and meant it

Been to New York? � Does being in JFK for an hour or so on a layover count?

Been to Florida? � Nope.

California? � Born and raised.

Hawaii? � Nope.

Mexico? � yes....

China? � No.

Canada? � No, but I soooo want to

Danced naked � um yes I think so.

Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day? � Oddly enough yes. I don't think it was that day but I have had dreams come true. I'm just glad it wasn't the one where Hall and Oates came walking down the street and shot me in a snow bank.

Stalked someone? � Not exactly. Only in the most mildly harmless sense.

Pick One...

Apples or bananas? � Bananas!

Red or blue? - Red, all the way

Wal-mart or Kmart? � Wally Mart.

Math or English? � The thing with words and not the numbers.... I live ina math free zone

Radio or CD? � CD.... CD good.

Drawing or Painting? � I have the artist talent of a slug. I doodle and then promptly crumblee and throw away.

High school or college?- College..... high school blew.

The Last Few Questions...

Last time you went out of the state � I think it was Vegas but that was a couple of years ago. I'm so due.

Lucky number � 8

Things you like in a girl/guy � I like smart boys. And funny boys. And tall boys. Kind boys. Boys who have passion about something.... yea boys, sometimes.

Weirdest thing about you? � I have this toe that really wants to be 2 two toes it even has a spot for a second toenail.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? � Um, no.

What do you think of ouija board? � I used to have a alot of car trouble when I carried the Oujia in the trunk.....

What book are you reading now? �I need some new reading material.... any recommendations out there?

What's on your mouse pad? � a 2004 calandar with some flames on it

Favorite board game? � Trival Pursuit

Favorite magazine? � Don't have one

Favorite sound? � rain.....

Worst feeling in the world? � dread and uncertainty

What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? � 5 more minutes..... just five more minutes

Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters � What kind of question is that..... aren't they exciting because they are scary? I don't get that one.

How many rings before you answer? � if I can find the phone I answer in 2 rings

Future daughter's name? � Audrey, Scratch (my future children are cats just in case anyone thought I was backing down on my no baby policy)

Future son's name? � Sniff (if I ever got a dog..... a dog and cat scratch and sniff.... disgustingly cute ain't it.)

Pralines & Cream or Mint Chocolate Chip � Moose traks.... or Phish food

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? � No, not anymore. I have a bear I sleep with on those really rough nights

If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? � A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker? I think I would make a great bartender.

What are you going to do after you finish this survey? � Take an asprin, take a shower, take a nap. I'm wild and crazy like that

What was the last food you ate? bagel sammich

you bored? � getting there

How many buddies are on? � a few

Last movie you saw? � uh, Hard Candy.....3-D 70's porn........


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-11-18 / 2:00
Random Ass Quiz