My honey took me out to dinner last night. It was great, a nice little romantic evening. I'm a super lucky gal.

I convinced him a week or so ago to rent the first DVD from the Alias box set. This could possibly be a mistake. He's addicted. An Alias junkie, if you will. It's kinda cute. On his afternoon off he somehow managed to watch 5 episodes in one sitting. Which meant that I didn't get to see them so now I'm behind. He was so damn cute about it I didn't mind that I had to skip ahead.

So every night we watch a couple of episodes before bed.

We're almost done with season one and then I'm not sure what's going to happen. No season two out yet and well he's a season behind on the current stuff..... do they have de tox programs for television?


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-10-08 / 4:43
Joe meet Syd