"I'll call you."

That is the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard in my life.

I fucking fall for it everytime.

Why? because I just plain want to believe. I mean there can't really be any other reason for it.

I wasted an entire weekend off by the phone because I thought he might call, because he said he would call. He didn't call. And there I am. The idiot who believed the lie again.

No more.

I understand he's going through tons of shit. he's busy. everything is crazy. Fine, I get that. but don't tell me you're going to call. either call or don't call but don't tell me, because then you just look like an ass when you don't and you said you would.

I'm tired of this game. He's not leaving me a lot of options.

maybe I'm being petty and stupid over this whole thing but I'm just tired of being taken in. I'm not sophisticated enough to play with him anymore, I can't not take the game personally.

We've been doing this for a month now and I'm wrecked.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-13 / 10:21 p.m.