ok who thought it was good idea to schedule me for 5am tomorrow? don't they realize this means I have to be up and out the door at 4am? yeesh......

I've napped I should be mellow. eh not so much mellow right now. kinda anxious actually.

Sara's birthday present came in the mail today. I don't want to say what it is, if only, because of the shame involved. I thought I was in recovery here, and I know going to this *show* will just throw me back into my quarter life crisis all over again. Hence why this little guilty pleasure shall not be mentioned again for fear of great musical mocking that will be sent in my general direction.

and on this Sara related note. Why is it that I always have sex in her dreams? If I actually got as much as she dreams I get and with the people she dreams I get with I would die very very happy, and very tired. And possibly rich. Sheesh. At least it was with the cute one, ok the hot one, and he even had his hot dirty pop hair that everyone hates and I love. well lucky me. how come I never get any in my own dreams but I get it in hers? I would love to have someone analyze that..... does it mean you secretly think I'm trashy ho? *snicker*

well no word from Prince Charming-But-Highly-Unrealiable maybe he too is following my plan of don't email until the other asks what's wrong. considering our extremely stubborn natures, this could be a long wait.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-14 / 7:25 p.m.
dirty pop hair