it has been noted today that I have a lot of anxiety. well gold star for Captian Gotafirmgripontheobvious.

I have no idea why I worry so much. I just do. I wish I could stop. but you know what they say "If wishes were horses.... well that would be a whole hell of a lot of horse shit to clean up." maybe they don't say that, but they should.

so the girls at work and I decided on a halloween costume... we're going as Josie and the pussycats.... we got shirts we got ears.... we're done. simple costume.

I got 25 bucks today for mileage. I need to do more favors for people. 25 bucks rocks.

odd doohicky of the day. someone from my very area of San Diego followed the link from Jenny's diary to moi..... so you in Vista, I'm waving at you.

and now I'm going to go find something to worry about cause that's what I do ....... no not really, it usually finds me I don't have to find it.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-10-24 / 5:38
oh my... those are.... they can't be...... yes, they are worry wrinkles.