this quickie.... hmmm all my entries seem to be a quickie lately...... and don't anyone say "don't worry it happens to all the diarylanders" cause then I'll have to kill you.

I'm home.

I'm flithy.

my car is washed.

spent a little time with mom.

spent more time with her cats.

have a slight sunburn, from washing the car.

only I would choose to wash the car in the middle of the afternoon when it's 102 outside.... my car is also black so when I leaned on it to get the hard to reach spots I was giving myself third degree burns from the hot metal.

friggin genius I am.

Sara you should have E.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-27 / 9:58
this is how not to wash the car