hmmm the time is wrong in the little box.... oh well I fixed. unless all my clocks are off by an hour.

I'm thinking I need to archive osme of my old entries because well, there are over 200 of them sitting there. eh. maybe when I hit 250.........

it really sucks to be me sometimes. I'm so weak.... I was just walking by to wash ym face and go to bed. and I thought "Oh I'll check my email really fast......." which turned into see who is on AIM, and oh who is on Yahoo...... and who updated their diaries.... Oh I'll read some diaries that have me listed as favorites (demons-r-us and Jeanie, heehee thanks guys) and then it became oh I'll make a quick entry........ and here I am. I should be asleep.

I found a present for congressional intern boy today..... sorta found it. I was talking about how excited he was when the train came by us on our way to dinner (you would think the boy had never seen a train before) and I was reminded that we had a train set in the garage that we bought for my uncle but it wasn't compatible with his whole train set he already has..... anyhoo I'm gonna give it to congressional intern boy.

I really shouldn't be giving him gifts but it doesn't need to be in my garage taking up space either.

I have the vibe that Andy may flake on me tomorrow night. he is quite the flaker sometimes. I wouldn't really care except he'll ruin my 4 dates with 4 boys in 5 days thing.

Though no nickname boy is looking les and less like a date, he's just looking more like someone I want to run away from because he reminds me of someone and I don't like it.

I miss my girls. I miss my girls lots.

is it worth running out to my car to get my Nick Drake CD? if I go out there I'm gonna have to have a smoke too just cause I'm out there I don't know if that makes it more or less worth it........ Nick Drake is so nice and soothing though and so nice to go to sleep to. I may have to go out there and get it. you would think my car was on another planet instead of right out in the driveway the way I talk about it..... I'm lazy, I do not deny this.

on the completely and totally strange occurances front some guy on yahoo messanger is convinced he knows me... well not knows me but that he saw me in a bar on Sunset with Sara and he eavesdropped on our conversation.... and he thought I had a great ass and wanted to talk to me but he was with another girl and couldn't.... he also thinks I should meet him and have sex with him. because he seems to think that I need to get laid and he's the guy who can do it , because he just "senses these things"...........yea cause that's gonna happen. Ummmm........ no, or not. where do these people come from? and why won't they go back?

though I have a feeling. that it may actually be someone I know or know of. or that it might be one of Jason's friends, though why they would pull that I have no idea. I'm almost tempted to encourage him just to see how it plays out, but I'm not sure how sane that would be cause he could be a bona fide wacko.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-16 / 10:22 p.m.
guys and stalkers and wasting precious sleeping time