it's over it's over... if you could see me you would see the little dance of joy. well you would see me thinking about doing a dance of joy but I'm far to tired to do it.

20 hours of OT, for those of you who can't do math that's 60hrs I worked this week. Amazing that I even know my name.

The things that sucks ass about walk throughs (as this one was a doozy.... company VP, and I work for a huge company you see commercials for every day) is panty hose. It's not the hard work, the sweat the tears..... no it's fucking panty hose and heels. And smiling and pretending like all the decsions these hirer ups make do not suck complete ass.

My last day off was Dec 30th...... long span of time to work. My boss is so great she's working on getting me a raise. Since she was on vacation when this all came up and I pretty much ran the show single handedly. not to pat my back or anything. Fuck that, I am patting my own back. I rock socks. Go me!

I'm gonna go sleep. For a year.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-01-09 / 10:32
Sleeping for a year