I really had a 'something's missing' moment today. Trolling through the costco with my giant shopping cart of doom filled with a bazillion pounds of lunch meat that I'll never eat. and though I was hungry and hadn't eaten yet I found myself wandering from aisle to aisle looking for something. I had gotten everything on my list and yet I was still looking. As if on one of the shelves would be enlightment and happiness, only 24.99. Not only would all my problems be solved, but I would be saving 15 bucks off department store prices.

But of course it's never that simple. I wonder how it would feel if it were. Would it feel all wrong? Even if it was right, would it feel wrong because it was so easy. Are we conditioned to find everything difficult? Do we sometimes screw things up because we think it's too good, it's too perfect, therfor there must be something wrong. Are we as people that suspcious? Or is it just me. Do I really not trust things, trust people, trust myself? I don't know.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-11-16 / 4:06
Shopping for answers