just checkin in so this doesn't get deleted. Though I don't know why. I don't think there is anything here anymore that I really care about keeping.

Life is crazy and hectic, wonderful and sad all at the same time. Funy how things happen in a succession. The monday night crew is getting all grown up. The Queen of Monday night got a real job and so there no longer is a monday night. Those who were there first.... the corn dog boys won't be around.... one is maybe moving to SF and the other is going to Rosarito. The band boys are heading north in Oct in search of fame and fortune. I too am flying the neighborhoodial coop. It's as if one piece set the others in motion.

There is one person in particular I'll be sad to see go. Boy did I screw the pooch on that one..... figuratively not literally. The timing was just all wrong. I'm sad I told him it meant nothing because in the end it really did mean something. how I never saw him in that light I don't know. How do you miss a train barrelling past you? I saw him Saturday night, he wasn't expecting me..... and for a second his guard was down. Could have lit a brush fire with the look he gave me..... I can only imagine how little red riding hood felt when she met the big bad wolf...... and then it was gone. The guard was back up... he handed me a beer and smiled politely. Fuck, I have a crush on that guy. We both know we're better off just not. I think he's jealous of all the boys I talk to, little does he know he's the only one I really give the time of day to. I need to practice my blank look with that one...... he looks at me with such distance you would think any minute he was preparing for me to snatch one of his organs out of his body, tear it to shreds before his eyes, and then throw it on the ground and jump up and down on it. If I did he would make sure he didn't flinch. Lucky for him I don't like the sight of blood.

In other news I've been thinking of covering my tattoo..... I really want a pirate flag. Yes, a pirate flag.... I could get it on the other hip but I feel like to have it waving the correct direction the way I imagine it, it would have to go on the left. I don't know.... maybe I could figure out a way to do it on the right side.

See ya in a couple of months when I once again try to not be deleted.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2005-08-01 / 5:29
little red riding hood