It's strange what you can learn about people you think you know. everyone has their dirty little secrets I suppose. I know this one person who constantly surprises me by being completely different that my predisposed view of her.
There was the comment about how she used to go get drunk and feel the need to get naked. There are many places she's been banned from for doing this very thing. I sometimes forget that she and I are the same age because she seems so much more grounded and, well, grown up than me.
Then there is this other person who used to self medicate to deal with the stress of our job. And I don't mean throw a few drinks back. We're talking popping pills to make it through the day. Not that I blame her, sometimes it seems like not that horrible of a thought.
Oh, yea and there is the girl that does web cam porn for extra money.... but we're not supposed to know about that. How someone ever stumbled upon that one I'll never know but people have seen it and told me about it. I hope she's making the big bucks because she's on my list to get fired. Not because she's doing web porn, I could care less about that, but because she can't seem to ever show up to work on time.
It would seem that we all do.
There seems to be an agreement that none of my inner circle will ever quit smoking until we are no longer working retail. Retail, management especially, chokes the life out of you and you have to have your vices to get by. Too many people intent on giving you ulcers.

If I thought anyone outside of the industry would get it I would write a book about all the crazy things I've seen and heard. Because these people waiting on you, ringing up your purchases, telling you to have a nice day are all nuts. even the ones who seem sane are completely crazy.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-11-11 / 9:50
the private lives of the service industry