Greetings from DC....

here I was all worried I would freeze and when I got here it was actually warmer than it was at home in San Diego.

First off they destroyed my suitcase getting it to BWI..... that sucked a little but they promptly replaced it with a better suitcase.

Second off..... I am still madly in love with Kevin Griffin.... I would still like to make beautiful "sheet" music with him. The show was fabulous, I think Becky and Julie were shocked because they've never seen me so happy. I did a little dance, I wished I was makin a little love and I got down that night. Did I mention we were all sporting birthday headwear. as everyone knows I am very pro headwear..... bunny ears, kitty ears... you know whatever. so at Better Than Ezra I was sporting the birthday tiara, Julie had on the bunny ears and Becky had on the kitty ears. we were so fabulous.....

side note on the people of DC.... you all need to invest in some mail order catalogs because you all dress alike! seriously don't anyone going deviating from that button down tucked into the jeans look the world may end.

Becky and I went to the Smithsonian yesterday and that was cool but I won't write about it because it's one of those you had to be there things

And now onto last night.... Great dinner..... I was now sporting the kitty ears, Becky was all bunny eared, and Julie had the tiara since she was now the birthday girl. people outright stared. I don't think they are used to the empowering headwear.... but damn it we were empowered.

We went dancing last night after dinner and oh my. The empowering headwear is very empowering. we rocked that place had guys staring and coming ovber to talk to us about every five minutes. I met more people last night than I can count. one of them being young James and his young friends. And I got smoochies from young James so my mission for the night was complete. Yes I might have been able to achieve multiple smoochies last night had I been willing to put out the effort but sadly I was not though I did get random kisses on the cheek from strangers.

We pretty much rocked the casbah last night and eventually there will be pictures to prove it.... I know I'm forgetting alot because I've been many degrees of drunk over the past couple of days and I'm trying to cram everything in here but I'll breakdown for you.

Better than Ezra good

DC good.

drinking good.

birthday good.

ears good.

ears VERY good.

smoochies damn good.

so in that spirit *smoochies to the happy birthday wishers... Invisible pal and Invisibledon and my lovely lovey eevviillgirl... and of course the girlies here...... Big love to everyone cause I said so!


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-12-08 / 12:59
and the things that are of the good