right now you're saying to yourself.... Erika what are you doing home at this time? well ok if you knew my work schedule you would saying this.... then again I often don't know my own work schedule so more than likely no one is saying this. but anyway to cut to the chase. I came home early cause I'm sick. ok yea I'm sick but mostly I'm burnt out.

so I suppose it's a good thing *someone* never got back to me about tomorrow (whoo hoo big surprise there huh.... not getting back to me seem to be a chronic problem with him)

if he got in touch with me at any point today or tomorrow I would drop everything and go to see him even though hacking up small pieces of lung. yea I bet he would find that very attractive. nothing hotter than a chick turning blue because she is coughing so hard. I'm so pathetic.

the other one is patiently waiting for me to make some sort of plan with him and I kinda feel like I owe him. yup pretty much feeling like a slug. maybe I shuld just make some plans with him and be done with the *other* thing, which isn't a thing because NOTHING has happened. fuck I don't know.

I'm realy bad at playing the field it would seem..... *sigh* anyone wanna give "how to be a playa" lessons. someone out there has to be good enough at it to teach the rest of us feebs how it's done.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-08 / 4:21 p.m.
how to be a playa