I had an event filled 24ish hours.

first I got a flat tire on the way to Ryan's last night. luckily it happened then and not in the morning on the way to work. ran into a gas staion to figure out just what I was going to do since I don't have AAA. there happened to be a tow truck guy in there that told me he'd change my tire for $20. I wasn't gonna argue cause I didn't know how to change the damn thing myself. we started talking as he was changing it and it turned out I went to high school with one of his best friends. Small world. he changed it for free too.

Got to Ryan's in one piece but in the excitement skipped dinner.

called into work in the morning saying I would be late because I had to go get new tires (they were all bald the fact that I made it that far without a flat before was an amazing thing) had to go to the bank to get money and while in the bank I started to not feel so great. sick to my stomach, hot, dizzy...... and then my vision went white. My only thought was "If I pass out that old guy behind me is not going to be able to catch me."

so I manged to get myself outside where I could sit down.

Ryan came to get me and I spent the day with his cat on the couch resting.......

finally got my new tires, and all is back on track except I missed a day of work......

moral of the story being you can skip one meal but not two.

I think I scared Ryan half to death. I think I scared myself even more.......

fun and excitment. So now Ryan ison my case about smoking and eating right. I should tell him to take a number there are others in line before him who would like to yell at me first.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-17 / 10:25
Miss Malnutrtion says......