D's party is rapidly approaching. I have most of my outfit, only missing the skirt, and shoes but I have an idea what shoes I can wear.

I have a feeling that this is going to be alot of fun if my hair survives the crimping. There should be pictures later possibly even a shot of the Potential, depending on if he lets me show him off or not.

Thursday will be spent running errands and cleaning the house so it looks livable before Saturday when the LA crowd comes down. I'm going to have quite the full house this weekend ut I think it'll be a lot of fun.

the most fun will be being off work because I'm getting pretty sick of some of my co workers. There is a guy there that has to be as dumb as a post.... seriously I have never met someone lacking so much common sense..... not to mention basic math skills. *sigh* it would seem the San Diego public school system has failed this particular person. If you can make it to the age of 22 or 23 and not be able to add 30 plus 15 without the help of a calculator, well how the fuck did you graduate high school?!?

only a week or so left and then I won't have to deal with him on a regular basis or the arrogant asshole that only works weekends and it will be a beautiful thing. I'm sure there will be people in the new position that irritate me.... there is this one scary woman eastern block woman that sort of looks like Peg Bundy only if someone made a Peg Bundy puppet like the the puppets in that Genisis video in the 80's..... I think she might have givvn the Potentional nightmares by just looking at her.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-07-29 / 11:13
away with work, onto party