So I harrassed Joe Breadwinner until he broke down and took me to best buy to buy the new John Mayer. I was unable to take myself because currently my car is jacked up in his driveway with no rear tires since I'm getting new tires today.

So I'm in a my own little version of heaven. It could only be better if I had some Crunch and Munch. I've been craving that lovely candy coated popcorn goodness lately.

I also got to see the Bigger Than My Body video, I couldn't find myself in it but I'm not all that surprised. They didn't use alot of the footage that they shot, but no big surprise there.

There is something wonderful about getting a new CD. Discovery I guess. Listening to it, picking out songs that catch you, finding meaning in something that has nothing to do with you and making it your own. (Daughters, lordy if that one doesn't grab me somewhere where hurts a little.)


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-09-09 / 5:13
new music