I have had a cold all week. It comes it goes... but never completely. It's hanging on by it's fingernails just to ruin my fucking weekend.

in other news I may have to find another job. I know I like my job, and I like the people I work with but it's onto bigger and better things time...... unless they give me a fat raise. and how likely is that? well not very.

so I have to do the thing I hate most in life. Make a resume and interview.


The boys are suppose to come and visit me today, YAY! Though I haven't heard a peep out of them so who knows. I'm starting to think they are really the only boys to even bother keeping around because the ones I've been dating are so boring. I'm probably better off just having a bunch of good friends and forgetting all about that romance stuff.... as Mr B&B would say "Yea, I've heard that one before."


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-02-07 / 1:36
the things we HAVE to do