ah, some day I'll have my sleep schedule a little more under control. Over slept was late for work today. Luckily so was everyone else. I'm just as much of a slacker as everyone else.

The big boss even said "I'm sure they're all exhausted. They'll start trickling in." And sure enough most of us showed up.

tomorrow I go to get Jm tickets yay me.

And then tomorrow night I have a date. I'm not sure entirely how I get myself into these things but I'm going and it should be fun.

And then Sunday I'll have a day off and I'm really excited about that. A day off with nothing planned, what will I do with myself. Maybe I'll just sleep all day like the lazy slug I am. Looks like I'll be giving up my Tuesday off for yet another walk through prep. I'm glad I get paid overtime or I'm not sure this would all be worth it. One more week and my life will return to normal. I'm more than ready for normal for awhile.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-04-16 / 9:07
More me