So it's Halloween my favorite holiday.

I have on my Josie shirt and my kitty ears and what am I doing tonight?


abs-afucking-lutly nothing.

I have to be up at 5am tomorrow you see.

and there is no one to go with me. and I don't know where to go anyway.

so I'll be here. probably warming my computer chair wishing I were out somewhere socializin (that means drinking and probably dancing for those of you who don't know me so well)

my mother's halloween costume is one of the funniest things I have ever seen I wish I had a picture to share but your imagination will have to do. she has a bucket with legs holes cut out.... you know a really big bucket, and the bucket is filled with saran wrap.... and she has on a bud light shirt with a pie pan on her head that has been made to look like a twist off cap. yes that's right, my mother is a beer on ice. and yes, this is the same woman who invented the best party trick ever. you take one of those big giant cups like you get at taco bell or one of the souvenior cups from a theme park and you put your beer still in the bottle or can inside the cup pack ice around it but the lid on and drink your beer through the straw...... keeps your beverage all frosty cold. she is a genius that woman.

and you wonder why I love my mom. no, I bet you probably don't.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-10-31 / 4:32
my mother, the ice cold beer