so. I say that like it holds some meaning....... so. but that's kind of where I am. I'm at "so" it's the pause. the wait. the held breath. The cue to someone else that you expect something from them. and while I'm waiting at so, holding my breath until my face turns blue, someone else is at so, looking to me. I can't give them what they want.The answers I have aren't the answers they want. all my answers start out good, in the end though they all end with that modifier that makes people cringe..... "but...."

"yes Joe I like you, but........"

I never set out to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't owe anyone anything. that doesn't stop me from feeling like it's all up to me to make everything right.

Lets end this bad boy on a good note. I got prezzies!!!! I got prezzies!!!!!!!! *smooch* Thanks Julie!!!!! I got prezzies!!!!!! and if I could show you all the note she sent me I would. it made me all warm fuzzy.... actually I wouldn't show you cause then you would want one to and it's just for me cause I'm all special *nanner nanner*


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-06 / 7:26 p.m.